High scores
Homelands  | Tropical  | Reef  | Forest  | Mountains  | Jungle  | Fruity  | Farmlands
Rankings: Top 30 (Teamwork, Homelands)
Tue, 12 Jun 2001 04:00:00 GMT

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< <d <w <m  m> w> d> >

1Blue Duck 62496.9 Australia
2PKWA 57459.5 Australia (WA)
3DREAMTEAM 43924.5 Australia
4BareFeet 24956.5 Australia
5eor 20698.5 Sweden
6Squid 20403.5 (Australia)
7Pawn 20013 (Australia)
8Wil N Wil 19933.9 Australia
9Vault Dwel 18476 (Australia)
10ClaireNWil 10461.9 (Australia)
11Ripster 9765.36 (Australia)
12Zebra 7933 (Australia)
13snork 7695.5 (United States)
14Fred 5750 Australia
15Logic 4472 (Australia)
16mason 2 4363 (Australia)
17samnick 3964.5 (United States)
18capuccino 3755 Germany
19Beastie 3267.5 (Australia)
20billruth 3131.5 (Australia)
21burnos 2792 (France)
22hallers 2651 (Australia)
23Joyce 2474 (The Netherlands)
24AlMa 2416 (Germany)
25BinoMort 2310 (Germany)
26hbcat 2284.5 Australia
27arska 2276 (Finland)
28CC 2154.5 (New Zealand)
29zwei 2079 (Germany)
30hund 1873 (Denmark)

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