High scores
Homelands  | Tropical  | Reef  | Forest  | Mountains  | Jungle  | Fruity  | Farmlands
Player profile for suesmama1

  Representing - Type: Single Player Email: suesmama1yahoo.com
Home Page: yahoo  

Score Profile

Level SetRankPlayedWonLevelPlayer ScoreTotal ScoreLast Played
Homelands27 (4732.0000) [profile] 13428538801829369209509123/03/2011 at 09:53
Tropical24 (4913.4700) [profile] 23962778042477452494519/03/2011 at 03:18
Reef16 (7479.5000) [profile] 66771578072489990039219/03/2011 at 03:08
Forest7 (18515.0000) [profile] 104551177882605399157619/03/2011 at 01:53
Mountains13 (8044.5000) [profile] 61951506052984670756319/03/2011 at 01:48
Jungle12 (2851.0000) [profile] 9181251650150973805524/03/2011 at 07:03
Fruity15 (6816.0000) [profile] 67491108036387742105422/03/2011 at 08:52
Farmlands8 (10484.6000) [profile] 32264058049264167569122/03/2011 at 06:16

Hall of fame

Level setDatePlayerPositionLevelScore                     Comment                     
Reef21 October 2005suesmama1478980(20)On to level 79....
Forest08 September 2005suesmama1148779(6)A clear number one. Nice.
Jungle31 July 2005suesmama1712798(159)A big score.
Forest20 July 2005suesmama15, 443, 44980(22), 878(56)Good scores and level progression.
Farmlands11 February 2005suesmama16, 2256, 571048(11), 1019(28)Two 1000 pointers in a row and heading for the top 30 ranked Fuity players.
Fruity13 December 2004suesmama11161098(31)A clear number one! Well done. That's almost half your ranking points on one level.