High scores
Homelands  | Tropical  | Reef  | Forest  | Mountains  | Jungle  | Fruity  | Farmlands
Player profile for Thozz

 Representing Australia (Vic) Type: Single Player Email: thoz.jaynebigpond.com
  Comment: It's all good

Score Profile

Level SetRankPlayedWonLevelPlayer ScoreTotal ScoreLast Played
Homelands9 (11624.7700) [profile] 350071097803907284456564512/10/2021 at 09:53
Tropical5 (18942.9700) [profile] 10173571801195326156926812/10/2021 at 10:08
Reef12 (10149.0000) [profile] 16841227922831828447306/04/2015 at 05:53
Forest9 (10096.0000) [profile] 25891244224298834297206/04/2015 at 03:03
Mountains8 (15799.4800) [profile] 29921816627679141468623/04/2005 at 03:45
Jungle11 (4030.0000) [profile] 5563361636858245994214/03/2005 at 06:19
Fruity12 (7732.5000) [profile] 2272837815207518481931/03/2005 at 11:29
Farmlands6 (24359.4400) [profile] 46443378051316269349312/10/2021 at 10:34

Hall of fame

Level setDatePlayerPositionLevelScore                     Comment                     
Tropical18 May 2005Thozz244985(20)Well done.
Homelands25 April 2005Thozz9, 1, 71, 2, 31214(16), 863(10), 799(12)Moving into 8th place, a tad behind ruben.
Mountains23 April 2005Thozz113698A clear number one on a good level. I'm sure 1000 is possible - in theory!
Homelands18 April 2005Thozz1, 4, 6, 54, 16, 22, 31855(31), 837(31), 999(20), 438(43)Thozz takes that tick and somre more and moved into 9th rank, overtaking Steffest.
Homelands17 April 2005Thozz44855(31)Just a tick off the number one score.
Mountains15 April 2005Thozz164, 651017(43), 1048(23)Two clear number ones and two 1000 pointers (one premier). But I'm sure the level progression will be just as important.
Forest12 April 2005Thozz3, 21, 61000(23), 963(18)Close, actually, a cigar.
Forest06 April 2005Thozz2, 2, 4, 410, 11, 12, 151002(25), 1002(15), 981(23), 968(32)Pioneering the level 10 one thousand pointer (before the grand theft).
Forest05 April 2005Thozz18, 9650, 720Two clear number ones.
Forest04 April 2005Thozz1, 1, 33, 2, 61000(2), 983(26), 940(17)Is that a potential 1000 pointer I see?

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