High scores
Homelands  | Tropical  | Reef  | Forest  | Mountains  | Jungle  | Fruity  | Farmlands
Player profile for shockedfrog

 Representing Scotland Type: Single Player Email: shockedfrogshockedfrog.com
Home Page: http://www.shockedfrog.com  

Score Profile

Level SetRankPlayedWonLevelPlayer ScoreTotal ScoreLast Played
Homelands34 (3879.6000) [profile] 610147680842086111516418/12/2004 at 04:11
Tropical28 (4338.7600) [profile] 8321658012638318905318/12/2004 at 04:25
Reef90 (1263.0000) [profile] 1223535188542742726/08/2006 at 23:30
Forest46 (1013.0000) [profile] 2211615187152584703/09/2004 at 13:53
Mountains26 (2533.0000) [profile] 5765128582338913106/12/2004 at 22:11
Jungle40 (375.0000) [profile] 19764111972105408/01/2003 at 16:34
Fruity241 (15.0000) [profile] 116634445818/12/2003 at 03:29
Farmlands120 (618.5000) [profile] 422323123481879428/08/2001 at 18:49
Level set 517 (795.0000) [profile] 21884113508403/09/2004 at 13:58
Level set 616 (100.0000) [profile] 31136840531/08/2001 at 19:01

Hall of fame

Level setDatePlayerPositionLevelScore                     Comment                     
Homelands17 December 2004shockedfrog92861(10)A fast one.
Homelands17 June 2002shockedfrog9, 22, 25, 21, 1448, 2, 63, 55, 57777(31), 853(9), 945(23), 851(63), 821(21)Enter the top 30 ranked players. Good stuff!
Homelands01 September 2001shockedfrog1591062(2)The more the merrier. Blues that is.
Homelands06 August 2001shockedfrog26, 18, 328, 9, 17958(19), 1044(1), 661(12)Welcome to this new Scot with a set of high scores elevating them high into the rankings. And now I have a Scottish flag!