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     autorec organiser
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Single Player

Fri Feb 11, 2005 7:28 am   Post subject: autorec organiser Not logged in.

I'm gonna do an autorec organiser for myself and was thinking if someone else needs one ? If there already isn't one available ?
Wil, could you help me a little ?
Filename is in the following format:
10s00 means it's levelset 10, level 00
0200 is the score ?
00 is the exit time ?
20050203-0829 is the date and time. GMT I suppose.
asarkila is the playername

I was thinking about making a tool that takes all the best scores from your autorec directory and puts all Mountains recordings to, for example, $BD4_HOME/Highscores/Mountains etc.
And a more advanced feature. Can I get a parseable levelset highscore list of a player somewhere ? XML ? This way I could perhaps list all the recorded files and all the actual highscores of that player and show the user which of the highscores he/she has a recording of.

And could you replace all the newlines with a br tag automatically in the forum upon submit. I always forget to use the br alias and that results in unreadable mess. Thx :


Single Player

Fri Feb 11, 2005 8:28 am   Post subject: Not logged in.

Is there anyway to tell from two filenames which one was completed faster if the other was completed with 0.008 and the other 0.016 when the score is the same ? Seems that it's impossible ... maybe I would have to read the file itself or does it contain that information ?