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Rankings: Top 50 (Single Player, Tropical)
Tue, 28 Jul 2020 22:00:00 GMT

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< <d <w <m  m> w> d> >

1Wil 59853.6 Australia (WA)
2asarkila 58553.6 Finland
3seb 58203.6 France
4DREAM 27612 Australia (Qld)
5Thozz 18977 Australia (Vic)
6ari 15268.5 Finland
7Anyone 15148 Sweden
8Dirkimops 12334.4 Germany (Mainz)
9HARDIE 10901.9 Australia (Tas)
10dandalong 10647.5 United Kingdom
11ejlo 9777.43 Sweden
12ruben 9552.47 Norway
13cusack 8573.93 United States
14TreborNelg 7943.47 Australia
15Ghost 7463.26 Greece
16lasttry 7204.26 Germany
17Naccas 6645.93 Australia (Vic)
18rzrsedg 6174.47 Greece
19Melissa 6122.26 Australia (NSW)
20masuford 5330 Finland
21j_za 5165.97 Switzerland
22RyanAP 5148 Philippines
23suesmama1 4937.47 -
24arnoldv 4677.47 The Netherlands
25HARDIE_J 4418.76 Australia
26marinasimo 4412.47 -
27shockedfrog 4372.76 Scotland
28zuzu 4055.47 -
29TOLIO 3976.5 Australia
30t.jayne 3906.5 -
31Morlagot 3860.79 Denmark
32chris111 3856 Australia
33banjo 3789.47 -
34espresso 3774 Germany
35Axemania35 3751 Australia
36buzzer 3664.47 -
37ragnar 3607.14 Sweden
38moonie2 3478.47 -
39bvh 3365.5 (Belgium)
40mama6 3255.5 -
41cyprico1 3183.97 -
42cyprico2 3164.97 -
43bounty 3125 Canada
44lath 3003.97 -
45allie 2942.5 -
46allison1977 2926.47 -
47cafesolo 2926 Germany
48alliegw 2917.5 -
49Tanika 2813.5 Germany
50kypros 2800 -

Players are ranked real time based on their high scores (more).

Also refer to the top scores and the high scores menu.