High scores
Homelands  | Tropical  | Reef  | Forest  | Mountains  | Jungle  | Fruity  | Farmlands
High score profile for Ghost (Forest)

[Player Details]
VersionDate (GMT)Machine
0 1289details 67012.164 PC 4.0721/12/2003 at 13:2762.38.234.209
1 1289details 98721.500 PC 4.0924/08/2004 at 08:3862.38.238.190
2 2477details 82719.172 PC 4.0721/12/2003 at 16:15vdp140.ath16.cas.hol.gr
3 1388details 9690.424 PC 4.0924/08/2004 at 08:4762.38.238.190
4 2179.5details 3150 PC 4.0924/08/2004 at 07:0062.38.238.190
5 2972details 70192.336 PC 4.0721/12/2003 at 16:39vdp140.ath16.cas.hol.gr
6 10100details 90817.060 PC 4.0924/08/2004 at 08:5062.38.238.190
7 1190details 82214.432 PC 4.0721/12/2003 at 16:45vdp140.ath16.cas.hol.gr
8 2774details 44433.228 PC 4.0722/12/2003 at 18:5062.38.228.48
9 7625details 37452.464 PC 4.0722/12/2003 at 19:0362.38.228.48
10 3764details 82316.224 PC 4.0722/12/2003 at 19:0662.38.228.48
11 1289details 96714.140 PC 4.0923/08/2004 at 16:1162.38.229.29
12 1289details 86017.096 PC 4.0723/12/2003 at 19:38vdp010.ath16.cas.hol.gr
13 9120details 9510 PC 4.0931/08/2004 at 17:1962.38.235.111
14 1289details 54144.424 PC 4.0924/08/2004 at 06:5562.38.238.190
15 9120details 94030.024 PC 4.0905/08/2004 at 15:0262.38.238.230
16 1883details 80131.188 PC 4.0905/08/2004 at 15:1862.38.238.230
17 1388details 93052.480 PC 4.0905/08/2004 at 15:5262.38.238.230
18 1685details 4070 PC 4.0905/08/2004 at 16:2362.38.238.230
19 1982details 7020 PC 4.0906/08/2004 at 10:2562.38.235.35
20 2279details 87023.024 PC 4.0906/08/2004 at 10:4662.38.235.35
21 1388details 9110 PC 4.0923/08/2004 at 05:5362.38.229.228
22 2081details 28361.100 PC 4.0923/08/2004 at 09:42vdp195.ath09.cas.hol.gr
23 6250details 88538.200 PC 4.0925/08/2004 at 13:10vdp064.ath20.cas.hol.gr
24 2972details 62330.152 PC 4.0923/08/2004 at 10:02vdp195.ath09.cas.hol.gr
25 1685details 5520 PC 4.0925/08/2004 at 13:00vdp064.ath20.cas.hol.gr
26 1388details 88236.232 PC 4.0925/08/2004 at 07:2662.38.228.194
27 1685details 80484.368 PC 4.0923/08/2004 at 14:5162.38.229.29
28 1487details 91330.008 PC 4.0923/08/2004 at 15:1962.38.229.29
29 1487details 77434.480 PC 4.0923/08/2004 at 15:2662.38.229.29
30 1784details 64517.188 PC 4.0924/08/2004 at 07:1362.38.238.190
31 10100details 68849.416 PC 4.0924/08/2004 at 08:0162.38.238.190
32 1685details 75355.292 PC 4.0924/08/2004 at 10:42vdp039.ath21.cas.hol.gr
33 1586details 2900 PC 4.0931/08/2004 at 17:0762.38.235.111
34 1883details 6125.212 PC 4.0925/08/2004 at 06:0062.38.228.194
35 5300details 82837.468 PC 4.0931/08/2004 at 16:5462.38.235.111
36 9120details 95326.396 PC 4.0925/08/2004 at 06:2362.38.228.194
37 9120details 7911.092 PC 4.0925/08/2004 at 06:5962.38.228.194
38 2180details 62645.300 PC 4.0927/09/2004 at 15:17vdp016.ath20.cas.hol.gr
39 5300details 100625.364 PC 4.0927/09/2004 at 15:42vdp016.ath20.cas.hol.gr
40 2378details 9090 PC 4.1029/12/2004 at 09:36vdp48086.ath13.cas.hol.gr
55 1388details 2130 PC 4.0723/12/2003 at 20:56vdp010.ath16.cas.hol.gr

You have high scores in 42 out of a possible 81 levels.