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BD4 Hall of Fame: February 2004

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DatePlayerPositionLevelScore                     Comment                     
01 February 2004ejlo143, 461040(24), 996(9)Keeping the A-Man under control with a couple of big ones.
04 February 2004Wil179822(43)Breaking out .... and reaching level 80.
04 February 2004ejlo1, 3, 3, 1, 265, 64, 63, 62, 61539(68), 510(45), 652(41), 700(53), 999(10)Powering through the later levels for Forest.
06 February 2004Wil1802415(126)Finally.... I've got through this level. Maybe it should have been level 80 of puzzle, or is that too much of a hint.
09 February 2004ejlo278828(46)Reaching level 79, the mighty break out.
10 February 2004Wil167849(26)Well, I'll claime it, but 1000 is the really big challenge.
10 February 2004ejlo180, 792657(151), 861(47)Just AWESOME - well done for completing this level set.
11 February 2004asarkila14, 22, 30, 52930(1), 313, 1049(32), 847A few more down as the Finn stays above the Aussie.
11 February 2004arnoldv15877(73)A number one on a well balanced chaotic level.
12 February 2004Thozz1, 214, 11739(21), 983(15)Keeping asarkila on his toes.