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BD4 Hall of Fame: 2004

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DatePlayerPositionLevelScore                     Comment                     
02 January 2004Dirkimops126909Not quite 1000 :)
03 January 2004cusack15, 3776(89), 905(3)A chaotic cue. And number one.
10 January 2004ejlo116, 17, 19, 28, 24850, 910(51), 850(43), 961(29), 959(51)Breaking through 15 (to be swapped with 55) ejlo takes down a few number ones.
17 January 2004Dirkimops1391043(27)A hugh scoring number one.
26 January 2004asarkila10, 2, 3, 5, 8, 12, 14965(18), 955(25), 915(3), 783(88), 514(37), 977(22), 676(54)Knocking them about.
29 January 2004asarkila115, 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 25, 29, 36, 39918(22), 852(33), 1038(8), 624, 971(46), 626, 681, 987(38), 998(34), 1111(28)asarkila gets hungry and goes on a rampage.
01 February 2004ejlo143, 461040(24), 996(9)Keeping the A-Man under control with a couple of big ones.
04 February 2004Wil179822(43)Breaking out .... and reaching level 80.
04 February 2004ejlo1, 3, 3, 1, 265, 64, 63, 62, 61539(68), 510(45), 652(41), 700(53), 999(10)Powering through the later levels for Forest.
06 February 2004Wil1802415(126)Finally.... I've got through this level. Maybe it should have been level 80 of puzzle, or is that too much of a hint.
09 February 2004ejlo278828(46)Reaching level 79, the mighty break out.
10 February 2004Wil167849(26)Well, I'll claime it, but 1000 is the really big challenge.
10 February 2004ejlo180, 792657(151), 861(47)Just AWESOME - well done for completing this level set.
11 February 2004asarkila14, 22, 30, 52930(1), 313, 1049(32), 847A few more down as the Finn stays above the Aussie.
11 February 2004arnoldv15877(73)A number one on a well balanced chaotic level.
12 February 2004Thozz1, 214, 11739(21), 983(15)Keeping asarkila on his toes.
01 March 2004ejlo11, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12990(23), 957(25), 997(2), 931(68), 933(18), 553(26), 510(41), 984(24), 991(15), 985(23)Wow! ejlo takes a dash towards the number one spot. No 1000 pointers in there though, so still room for improvement.
02 March 2004ejlo155, 20, 23, 25, 26, 33940(23), 973(34), 739(36), 900, 968(17), 492ejlo marches towards number one spot!
02 March 2004rzrsedg120979(34)Ha ha... one of ejlo's scores didn't last long.
03 March 2004ejlo134, 35, 18, 31, 7, 581006, 708, 671(4), 943(31), 923(14), 962(20)Congratulations for making it to the number one ranked player for Forest.
03 March 2004asarkila13, 6, 8, 66, 64, 58, 15, 46, 431000(2), 957(18), 607, 1002(43), 1180, 993(21), 987(33), 999(9), 1068(25)Hmmm.... I spy a bully. Game on!
05 March 2004rzrsedg223667(44)Good stuff.
05 March 2004Thozz124963(51)Chipping in with a number one.
09 March 2004rzrsedg128982(27)Not as fast, but still the best.
11 March 2004Wil1, 2, 1, 1, 3, 2, 11, 30, 32, 34, 43, 64, 661002(24), 1022(31), 1168(32), 1286, 1014(23), 1080, 1027(18)The thousand point challenge. I mis-read level 1 but claimed the premier 1000 there anyway.
11 March 2004asarkila118, 9778, 510(43)Two new number ones. Well done.
14 March 2004asarkila111, 231004(15), 772A fantastic effort to rob 1000 points on level 11.
17 March 2004rzrsedg3321104(10)Well plundered.... another one down.
18 March 2004asarkila1, 2, 115, 29, 321000(34), 1004(41), 1222(33)asarkila quickly passes the hundred 1000 pointers. But is 200 possible?
25 March 2004Wil1671037(12)That elevator was not easy. Finally the challenge is met.
29 March 2004rzrsedg337728(2)Progressing through the gaps with a big score.
30 March 2004DREAM1, 4, 143, 29, 141085(26), 988(38), 865(37)New
31 March 2004Thozz3, 3, 5, 732, 3, 33, 341118(16), 998(2), 310(74), 348New
06 April 2004rzrsedg3, 638, 39711(26), 905(14)Moving to the half way mark with a good score on 38.
30 April 2004espresso35897(83)A great score... as a third player makes the 1000 pointer look possible.
03 May 2004Wil1, 1, 1, 219, 21, 23, 151005(56), 1069(61), 1006(31), 1000(34)200, 201, 202, 203 thousand pointers. And counting.
08 May 2004asarkila1, 1, 1, 244, 50, 43, 381045(65), 1003(11), 1087(26), 1228Asarkila takes 4 new 1000 pointers, including two premiers.
29 May 2004Wil114, 561000(3), 1003(1)One perfect, on not quite so, but good enough. Two more down.
31 May 2004masuford38517(6)Passing through Forest with some very worthy scores.
04 June 2004asarkila1521004(66)Achieving one of the few remaining 1000 pointers.
17 June 2004Wil N Wil134, 56, 58, 61, 631402, 1003, 1000(19), 1154, 1091Cleaning up some teamwork 1000 pointers.
09 July 2004Wil201009(22)Happy to get the 1000 pointers.
11 July 2004Wil241005You little ripper.... getting the 1000 on this boogie level. That's 250 of them.
23 July 2004Jil7, 6, 11, 7, 7, 615, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20807(22), 799(30), 626(43), 405(8), 689(44), 877(24)Some good scores in uncharted territory.
25 July 2004arnoldv9, 9, 818, 19, 20363(14), 559(4), 870(24)He walks the walk too.
26 July 2004HARDIE6, 5, 615, 16, 17872(26), 800, 888Good stuff.
05 August 2004Ghost315940(31)Breaking the Forest drought with a top 3 score.
19 August 2004masuford416842(23)Well done. Close to 3rd.
25 August 2004Ghost223, 37885(39), 791(2)Two seconds...
30 August 2004HARDIE3, 4, 819, 4, 3890, 810(3), 972(1)Heading towards the top 10.
31 August 2004Ghost3, 8, 635, 33, 13828(38), 290, 951Getting close to 10000 ranking points.
01 September 2004Jil6, 9, 722, 23, 24289(36), 464(53), 776(40)Passing through more levels and into the top 10.
11 September 2004chris1234, 8, 5, 934, 35, 36, 37622(4), 410(43), 935(22), 613(12)A new player... flying along.
13 September 2004Jil231716(11)Arrr, the pleasure.
13 September 2004arnoldv137932A clear number one.
18 September 2004arnoldv4, 1, 5, 547, 48, 49, 50540(47), 743(9), 856(33), 238Level progression including a number one.
27 September 2004Ghost3391006(26)A 1000 pointer, that's 15 for Ghost.
12 October 2004Anyone127914Rocketing through Forest with a very festive number one.
15 October 2004tugrulba222304(44)A big score (that doesn't look big)!
17 October 2004HARDIES12, 3, 4909(23), 888(3), 985(51)HARDIES make a move.
19 October 2004Anyone1, 242, 45911(40), 795(13)Flying up towards 4th place.
20 October 2004Anyone1, 248, 56769(12), 603(31)A clear number one.
30 October 2004Anyone4, 260, 611011(51), 1016(27)Two 1000 pointers. Well done.
01 November 2004Anyone3, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 2, 362, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70650(52), 990(40), 610(46), 538(62), 916(25), 349(54), 584(20), 711(13), 695(15)That Jungle experience shows through with massive level progression.
24 November 2004alle24983(50)Just behind the HARDIES team.
26 November 2004Anyone1802793(164)Congratulations! The third person to complete Forest and with the number one score.
18 December 2004Thozz6, 5, 11, 1234, 35, 36, 37622(4), 782(39), 809(32), 567(5)Munching through the Forest.