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BD4 Hall of Fame: March 2004

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DatePlayerPositionLevelScore                     Comment                     
01 March 2004ejlo11, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12990(23), 957(25), 997(2), 931(68), 933(18), 553(26), 510(41), 984(24), 991(15), 985(23)Wow! ejlo takes a dash towards the number one spot. No 1000 pointers in there though, so still room for improvement.
02 March 2004ejlo155, 20, 23, 25, 26, 33940(23), 973(34), 739(36), 900, 968(17), 492ejlo marches towards number one spot!
02 March 2004rzrsedg120979(34)Ha ha... one of ejlo's scores didn't last long.
03 March 2004ejlo134, 35, 18, 31, 7, 581006, 708, 671(4), 943(31), 923(14), 962(20)Congratulations for making it to the number one ranked player for Forest.
03 March 2004asarkila13, 6, 8, 66, 64, 58, 15, 46, 431000(2), 957(18), 607, 1002(43), 1180, 993(21), 987(33), 999(9), 1068(25)Hmmm.... I spy a bully. Game on!
05 March 2004rzrsedg223667(44)Good stuff.
05 March 2004Thozz124963(51)Chipping in with a number one.
09 March 2004rzrsedg128982(27)Not as fast, but still the best.
11 March 2004Wil1, 2, 1, 1, 3, 2, 11, 30, 32, 34, 43, 64, 661002(24), 1022(31), 1168(32), 1286, 1014(23), 1080, 1027(18)The thousand point challenge. I mis-read level 1 but claimed the premier 1000 there anyway.
11 March 2004asarkila118, 9778, 510(43)Two new number ones. Well done.
14 March 2004asarkila111, 231004(15), 772A fantastic effort to rob 1000 points on level 11.
17 March 2004rzrsedg3321104(10)Well plundered.... another one down.
18 March 2004asarkila1, 2, 115, 29, 321000(34), 1004(41), 1222(33)asarkila quickly passes the hundred 1000 pointers. But is 200 possible?
25 March 2004Wil1671037(12)That elevator was not easy. Finally the challenge is met.
29 March 2004rzrsedg337728(2)Progressing through the gaps with a big score.
30 March 2004DREAM1, 4, 143, 29, 141085(26), 988(38), 865(37)New
31 March 2004Thozz3, 3, 5, 732, 3, 33, 341118(16), 998(2), 310(74), 348New