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BD4 Hall of Fame: 2005

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DatePlayerPositionLevelScore                     Comment                     
07 January 2005greenday171727742(11)Flying through the Farmlands, passing at least 35 levels in a day or two. Good score too.
15 January 2005Dirkimops5, 441, 42728(8), 679(40)Two big high scores.
17 January 2005Dirkimops7, 943, 44932(23), 885(11)Bridging the gap towards DREAM.
18 January 2005cusack73880(8)Towards the top 30.
19 January 2005cusack1, 9, 7, 8, 56, 7, 8, 13, 19866(8), 887(15), 810(6), 987(14), 620(7)Into the top 30 ranked players for Framlands.
20 January 2005Dirkimops7, 4, 5, 3, 845, 46, 47, 48, 49955(16), 816(20), 915(11), 935(19), 1001(21)Some nice scores.
24 January 2005Dirkimops5, 1, 650, 51, 521023(21), 777(22), 792(17)Some even nicer scores... and a clear number one!
27 January 2005Thozz1761122(23)A big 1000 pointers and a clear number one - and spotted quickly!
01 February 2005asarkila1, 248, 57974(19), 1138(36)Hey, a saw that! Hmmm, number one retaken.
11 February 2005 suesmama16, 2256, 571048(11), 1019(28)Two 1000 pointers in a row and heading for the top 30 ranked Fuity players.
19 March 2005Thozz115, 14, 13, 12, 111023(12), 839(10), 1048(16), 856(13), 876(16)Wow! This looks serious as Thozz takes number 4 in the combined rankings ahead of ari and behind DREAM.
21 March 2005Thozz124, 271055(13), 839(13)Looking for second ranking in the Farmlands. I see a challenge coming on.
24 March 2005asarkila162, 60927(17), 866(11)There's more to come...
25 March 2005Wil1782130Well, that's the first 2000 pointer for Farmlands. Pity I died.
25 March 2005asarkila135, 49, 401094(39), 1113(25), 702(13)Three clear number ones as asarkila flexes those mussels.
26 March 2005asarkila115, 181025(12), 786(9)And some more.
01 April 2005asarkila151, 36, 43, 16869(11), 588(21), 967(25), 948(13)That's a complete canning (level 51). Any more in the tank? Obviously yes!
02 April 2005Thozz1, 315, 231029(12), 803(15)Getting closer to second rank.
21 April 2005ruben10997(16)I'm sure there are better levels to beat!
04 May 2005ruben6, 5, 346, 47, 64779(14), 920(11), 793(17)Clearly 4th ranked player, and not far from number 2!
14 May 2005Nikodemus9, 16, 16, 1548, 49, 50, 51906(21), 874(15), 752(12), 633(17)A top ten score, then some good level progression (16 levels in total for the day).
15 July 2005Anyone3, 6, 3, 925, 29, 30, 31879(12), 967(16), 1097(21), 1016(8)Climbing into 8th ranking.
19 July 2005ruben12, 41009(23), 836(14)Well, that looks like quite a statement!
20 July 2005ruben1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 15, 7, 14, 16, 29, 20, 151027(27), 936(17), 840(10), 949(14), 985(17), 962(19), 1030(11)ruben flies past Wil into second ranked player.
22 July 2005Wil1, 1, 240, 31, 58704(13), 1106(9), 795(17)Some small resistance.
22 July 2005ruben1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 3, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 3, 258, 40, 63, 72, 70, 69, 68, 73, 61, 54, 51, 49, 47, 53, 10803(19), 704(13), 909(20), 1007(24), 898(23), 549(14), 689(16), 715(11), 837(15), 707(30), 832(13), 1103(25), 954(12), 627(10), 750(15)And the train rolls on! Heading towards number one ranked player.
23 July 2005ruben2, 1, 2, 148, 52, 55, 56972(20), 851(21), 768(20), 1194(14)Oh so close to number one.
24 July 2005ruben3, 3, 3, 2, 360, 62, 65, 67, 74795(9), 793(10), 827(29), 903(30), 1196(20)Congrautulations to ruben for taking number one in the rankings!
25 July 2005asarkila175, 70, 64, 47912(11), 937(27), 817(20), 954(12)Lance returns.
26 July 2005asarkila152866(22)The foot be put down.
27 July 2005asarkila1501085(24)Now that's just nasty.
01 August 2005asarkila17, 12938(17), 856(13)Nice score for the bugs.
26 September 2005Dirkimops263902(19)Good one.
01 October 2005Dirkimops2, 6, 2, 9, 669, 70, 71, 72, 74579(16), 870(20), 694(25), 834(26), 1171(19)Many good scores. Now clearly ranked 7th.
30 December 2005pam14, 12, 8, 12, 1276, 77, 78, 79, 80899(14), 62(1), 793(35), 773(18), 743(3)Nice!