High scores
Homelands  | Tropical  | Reef  | Forest  | Mountains  | Jungle  | Fruity  | Farmlands
High score profile for Ghost (Fruity)

[Player Details]
VersionDate (GMT)Machine
0 2081.5details 4160 PC 4.0717/02/2004 at 21:10vdp001.ath12.cas.hol.gr
1 9120details 5210 PC 4.1028/04/2005 at 17:34vdp57244.ath23.cas.hol.gr
2 1982details 9020 PC 4.0901/10/2004 at 15:37vdp174.ath20.cas.hol.gr
3 1586details 3380 PC 4.0708/02/2004 at 18:47vdp034.ath06.cas.hol.gr
4 2378details 4230 PC 4.0708/02/2004 at 19:06vdp034.ath06.cas.hol.gr
5 1289details 14740 PC 4.0926/09/2004 at 08:29vdp161.ath11.cas.hol.gr
6 2675details 37441.220 PC 4.0616/12/2003 at 20:43vdp033.ath11.cas.hol.gr
7 4457details 3090 PC 4.0925/08/2004 at 18:1362.38.232.151
8 2477details 7740 PC 4.1018/03/2005 at 16:3462.38.29.14
9 8150details 7900 PC 4.0909/09/2004 at 19:1862.38.234.44
10 4358details 73946.160 PC 4.0618/12/2003 at 17:53vdp163.ath15.cas.hol.gr
11 2477details 7420 PC 4.0909/09/2004 at 19:2462.38.234.44
12 3467details 81428.208 PC 4.0909/09/2004 at 19:3062.38.234.44
13 1982details 6650 PC 4.0926/09/2004 at 06:3962.38.232.28
14 3665details 3100 PC 4.0917/09/2004 at 15:0762.38.228.185
15 1982details 8000 PC 4.0909/09/2004 at 19:5662.38.234.44
16 5150details 90621.048 PC 4.0618/12/2003 at 18:23vdp163.ath15.cas.hol.gr
17 4358details 3530 PC 4.1018/03/2005 at 16:5262.38.29.14
18 2576details 24969.004 PC 4.0618/12/2003 at 18:33vdp163.ath15.cas.hol.gr
19 2180details 7740 PC 4.1031/12/2004 at 10:1962.38.208.161
20 1784details 4470 PC 4.0901/09/2004 at 17:48vdp050.ath15.cas.hol.gr
21 1982details 7400 PC 4.0925/08/2004 at 18:2962.38.232.151
22 2081details 78534.168 PC 4.0723/12/2003 at 21:18vdp010.ath16.cas.hol.gr
23 10100details 62768.440 PC 4.0723/12/2003 at 21:24vdp010.ath16.cas.hol.gr
24 3566details 46782.016 PC 4.0723/12/2003 at 21:33vdp010.ath16.cas.hol.gr
25 4853details 15233.204 PC 4.0723/12/2003 at 21:37vdp010.ath16.cas.hol.gr
26 8150details 3990 PC 4.0901/10/2004 at 15:54vdp174.ath20.cas.hol.gr
27 2972details 52947.008 PC 4.0723/12/2003 at 21:48vdp010.ath16.cas.hol.gr
28 2279details 59838.008 PC 4.0723/12/2003 at 21:50vdp010.ath16.cas.hol.gr
29 7200details 4780 PC 4.1018/03/2005 at 17:2162.38.29.14
30 2774details 46222.468 PC 4.0724/12/2003 at 17:2762.38.241.176
31 5645details 32841.364 PC 4.0724/12/2003 at 17:3262.38.241.176
32 3368details 2950 PC 4.0908/09/2004 at 17:3762.38.234.58
33 1487details 6790 PC 4.0917/09/2004 at 15:5562.38.228.185
34 3665details 33277.300 PC 4.0725/12/2003 at 19:52vdp096.ath12.cas.hol.gr
35 2576details 57725.428 PC 4.0727/12/2003 at 09:18vdp117.ath12.cas.hol.gr
36 2279details 18586.128 PC 4.0727/12/2003 at 09:21vdp117.ath12.cas.hol.gr
37 2378details 7630 PC 4.0901/09/2004 at 17:36vdp050.ath15.cas.hol.gr
38 2774details 50537.488 PC 4.0727/12/2003 at 09:29vdp117.ath12.cas.hol.gr
39 2378details 4478.368 PC 4.0727/12/2003 at 09:33vdp117.ath12.cas.hol.gr
40 2279details 2410 PC 4.0913/09/2004 at 17:4262.38.235.99
41 10100details 91142.280 PC 4.0913/09/2004 at 17:5762.38.235.99
42 4160details 43632.252 PC 4.0727/12/2003 at 09:45vdp117.ath12.cas.hol.gr
43 2576details 81432.392 PC 4.0708/02/2004 at 19:38vdp034.ath06.cas.hol.gr
44 3566details 36753.292 PC 4.0728/12/2003 at 21:1862.38.242.28
45 2774details 4780 PC 4.0902/09/2004 at 15:4062.38.242.160
46 2081details 4420 PC 4.1018/03/2005 at 17:3762.38.29.14
47 2477details 48249.056 PC 4.0728/12/2003 at 23:0462.38.232.58
48 1289details 112665.412 PC 4.0908/09/2004 at 16:4962.38.234.58
49 2972details 28887.428 PC 4.0729/12/2003 at 17:4562.38.235.168
50 5051details 29863.196 PC 4.0729/12/2003 at 17:5662.38.235.168
51 1685details 56532.472 PC 4.0729/12/2003 at 18:0062.38.235.168
52 3170details 325183.260 PC 4.0729/12/2003 at 18:0262.38.235.168
53 3071details 36041.020 PC 4.0729/12/2003 at 18:1462.38.235.168
54 2675details 63332.488 PC 4.0729/12/2003 at 18:1862.38.235.168
55 6338details 34664.280 PC 4.0703/01/2004 at 10:2762.38.241.102
56 2378details 38355.052 PC 4.0703/01/2004 at 10:3462.38.241.102
57 8150details 54572.136 PC 4.0703/01/2004 at 10:4862.38.241.102
58 3071details 38950.024 PC 4.0703/01/2004 at 10:5162.38.241.102
59 2774details 12543.160 PC 4.0703/01/2004 at 11:0662.38.241.102
60 1190details 25489.460 PC 4.0703/01/2004 at 11:1062.38.241.102
61 2279details 3670 PC 4.0901/09/2004 at 17:02vdp050.ath15.cas.hol.gr
62 10100details 91921.180 PC 4.0703/01/2004 at 14:55vdp185.ath04.cas.hol.gr
63 4358details 14161.196 PC 4.0703/01/2004 at 14:59vdp185.ath04.cas.hol.gr
64 1883details 3340 PC 4.1014/03/2005 at 08:35vdp57049.ath23.cas.hol.gr
65 1784details 3450 PC 4.0704/01/2004 at 15:42vdp139.ath06.cas.hol.gr
66 4358details 19655.068 PC 4.0704/01/2004 at 16:15vdp139.ath06.cas.hol.gr
67 1190details 5490 PC 4.0901/10/2004 at 16:26vdp174.ath20.cas.hol.gr
68 2279details 1840 PC 4.0706/01/2004 at 08:5762.38.236.155
69 1883details 6750 PC 4.0706/01/2004 at 09:1762.38.236.155
70 2576details 24550.336 PC 4.0706/01/2004 at 09:4462.38.236.155
71 1982details 44273.340 PC 4.1014/03/2005 at 08:26vdp57049.ath23.cas.hol.gr
72 1982details 5940 PC 4.0706/01/2004 at 10:0662.38.236.155
73 4160details 55431.460 PC 4.0706/01/2004 at 20:20vdp072.ath15.cas.hol.gr
74 2675details 81161.472 PC 4.0707/01/2004 at 18:50vdp097.ath06.cas.hol.gr
75 1685details 4120 PC 4.0901/10/2004 at 16:40vdp174.ath20.cas.hol.gr
76 2477details 5620 PC 4.0918/09/2004 at 16:3562.38.235.27
77 1190details 57844.268 PC 4.0710/01/2004 at 13:1162.38.241.114
78 1289details 69064.456 PC 4.0710/01/2004 at 14:2362.38.241.114
79 2774details 56726.296 PC 4.0716/03/2004 at 19:1062.38.236.112
80 2873details 2120 PC 4.0716/03/2004 at 19:2862.38.236.112

You have high scores in 81 out of a possible 81 levels.