High scores
Homelands  | Tropical  | Reef  | Forest  | Mountains  | Jungle  | Fruity  | Farmlands
Player profile for ejlo

 Representing Sweden Type: Single Player Email: ejlolysator.liu.se

Score Profile

Level SetRankPlayedWonLevelPlayer ScoreTotal ScoreLast Played
Fruity11 (7885.5000) [profile] 5379980770639919312/03/2007 at 22:47
Homelands13 (8975.6000) [profile] 12727557801705121205119915/03/2007 at 22:13
Tropical11 (9730.4300) [profile] 11341738022707130287515/03/2007 at 22:32
Reef10 (10552.0000) [profile] 7241008014481518481214/03/2007 at 19:51
Forest5 (24097.0000) [profile] 26321508028983246034318/03/2007 at 17:40
Mountains9 (13544.3100) [profile] 13521057919764926983208/03/2007 at 21:29
Jungle6 (12097.0000) [profile] 2674464630370937545908/03/2007 at 21:03
Farmlands11 (7849.3300) [profile] 10341088013745919996409/02/2004 at 20:53

Hall of fame

Level setDatePlayerPositionLevelScore                     Comment                     
Forest16 March 2007ejlo131001(2)Brilliant stuff, finding a method to give that extra point!
Jungle05 April 2006ejlo1431242(2)That is awesome - eljo progresses thrashing the number one score.
Jungle22 March 2006ejlo3, 440, 41861(57), 1052(83)Moving level with HARDIE and one level short of asarkila in progression.... and through/into some of the hardest levels.
Jungle21 March 2006ejlo2391372(3)More progress with a big second place.
Jungle06 March 2006ejlo1311241(1)Awesome! A clear number one.
Mountains26 January 2006ejlo1721004(47)Brilliant - a brand new 1000 pointer.
Mountains25 January 2006ejlo3, 3, 5, 468, 69, 70, 71799(4), 1009(40), 770(24), 560(23)A 1000 pointer with some other nice top scores.
Mountains14 January 2006ejlo9, 7, 340, 41, 42840(19), 983(42), 1049(74)Moving right along and flying into the top 10.
Reef10 January 2006ejlo380878Quality! On the only level yet to be completed by anyone.
Reef09 January 2006ejlo779949(6)Well done for making level 80.

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