High scores
Homelands  | Tropical  | Reef  | Forest  | Mountains  | Jungle  | Fruity  | Farmlands
Player profile for Ghost

 Representing Greece Type: Single Player Email: laura_ghostyahoo.com

Score Profile

Level SetRankPlayedWonLevelPlayer ScoreTotal ScoreLast Played
Fruity17 (6485.5000) [profile] 2018938018129021380525/05/2007 at 07:49
Homelands16 (6866.6000) [profile] 11759910802209194261889719/09/2015 at 06:16
Tropical15 (7423.2600) [profile] 11292068023580931532403/05/2005 at 17:28
Reef17 (7295.0000) [profile] 1155977920562424977606/02/2007 at 11:54
Forest13 (4218.5000) [profile] 824584013967316979503/04/2005 at 18:08
Mountains23 (2899.5000) [profile] 3173932533897411828/12/2005 at 08:00
Jungle19 (1494.5000) [profile] 2320191517361124029113/08/2009 at 14:59
Farmlands17 (5827.3800) [profile] 4831156910888415659328/12/2005 at 08:05

Hall of fame

Level setDatePlayerPositionLevelScore                     Comment                     
Mountains20 April 2005Ghost2, 5, 913, 4, 5598, 986(22), 951(24)Out of the tree and around the garden. A good 2nd place score.
Jungle09 April 2005Ghost4131124(40)Congratulations on the level progression and the 1000 pointer.
Reef29 January 2005Ghost50867Blues everywhere.
Farmlands29 December 2004Ghost7, 96, 5865(8), 1000(26)A solid 1000 pointer, well just.
Reef26 December 2004Ghost262624(33)Less than 10 minutes too late!
Mountains14 December 2004Ghost123967(47)Making 1000 points look hard, but clearly number one.
Tropical02 October 2004Ghost8, 6, 642, 43, 7923(43), 997(15), 1326Blasting past the Swede into 7th place.
Farmlands01 October 2004Ghost93875(8)Another top 10er.
Forest27 September 2004Ghost3391006(26)A 1000 pointer, that's 15 for Ghost.
Fruity26 September 2004Ghost551474Just shy of 1500.

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