High scores
Homelands  | Tropical  | Reef  | Forest  | Mountains  | Jungle  | Fruity  | Farmlands
Player profile for Jil

 Representing Switzerland Type: Single Player Email: lang_janineyahoo.de
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Score Profile

Level SetRankPlayedWonLevelPlayer ScoreTotal ScoreLast Played
Fruity25 (4581.0000) [profile] 3661998015865021004303/03/2009 at 03:15
Homelands112 (692.5000) [profile] 69901198083647896000718/07/2009 at 19:58
Tropical89 (1510.0000) [profile] 83785809027712510416/10/2005 at 12:15
Reef31 (4094.0000) [profile] 1398676513642316270020/07/2009 at 18:11
Forest21 (3060.0000) [profile] 2717504020667125968912/07/2008 at 22:47
Mountains30 (2286.0000) [profile] 85438327848010631818/07/2009 at 20:08
Jungle27 (1024.0000) [profile] 2821161317513026793603/03/2009 at 03:12
Farmlands36 (3390.5000) [profile] 2211807621649828147115/10/2006 at 16:39

Hall of fame

Level setDatePlayerPositionLevelScore                     Comment                     
Reef18 January 2005Jil528828(64)A fast run through.
Jungle20 September 2004Jil871226(13)Jil's 4th one thousand pointer.
Forest13 September 2004Jil231716(11)Arrr, the pleasure.
Forest01 September 2004Jil6, 9, 722, 23, 24289(36), 464(53), 776(40)Passing through more levels and into the top 10.
Forest23 July 2004Jil7, 6, 11, 7, 7, 615, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20807(22), 799(30), 626(43), 405(8), 689(44), 877(24)Some good scores in uncharted territory.
Fruity30 June 2004Jil879606(22)Taking it to the last level.
Fruity28 June 2004Jil5741042Great score.
Fruity24 June 2004Jil6, 8, 9, 6, 9, 463, 64, 65, 67, 68, 70648, 328, 277(75), 417, 188(145), 305(38)Heading towards level 80.
Farmlands18 May 2004Jil171652(22)Congratulations ... a clean number one and a very tricky and classy level.
Fruity29 March 2004Jil660229(82)Holding a shakey 6th place on this level.

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