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BD4 Hall of Fame: 2003

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DatePlayerPositionLevelScore                     Comment                     
22 January 2003asarkila161198Clearly the number one score.
27 January 2003Thozz15964The best score so far for the onion.
02 February 2003Dirkimops211808(26)Top of the bunch.
08 February 2003Guld210802A strong scavenger.
14 February 2003Guld116858(10)Number one.
19 February 2003asarkila1291444(10)Congratulations for completing level 28 and getting to levels that only a few have seen.
18 April 2003cusack131008(36)The first player to crack the big 1000.
25 April 2003cusack171335(34)Broken through with a record score.
02 October 2003asarkila371305(9)asarkila holds number one ranking with the release of the new level sets.
29 November 2003HARDIE12992Number one with a fantastic score leaving 1000 as a good challenge.
16 December 2003Wil42909A well targetted level and a score one point higher than asarkila sees Wil hold the number one rankings on all sets shown on the default multi-rank page. Obviously this won't last long!