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BD4 Hall of Fame: 2004

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DatePlayerPositionLevelScore                     Comment                     
06 December 2004asarkila15, 20, 34, 42, 471001(24), 1013(6), 940(57), 1031(72), 1047(27)A few thousand pointers and the early puzzles pass.
06 December 2004HARDIES1221041(58)A clear number one with some good level progression.
09 December 2004bounty115564(2)Ticking away with a good initial method.
14 December 2004Ghost123967(47)Making 1000 points look hard, but clearly number one.
15 December 2004lasttry249, 50567(32), 705(65)Great level progression for the player with the false start (my fault more making the levels available through the web system prior to the official release).
16 December 2004lasttry151, 58795(32), 745(10)Great level progression ... looking to Collide with asarkila.
16 December 2004bounty329, 31512(15), 890(59)Diving deeper into the Mountain.
17 December 2004Dirkimops2, 8, 4, 9, 73, 5, 6, 7, 9923(18), 946(24), 926(39), 846(79), 651(54)A collection of early goodies.
22 December 2004rzrsedg215564(1)A gem of a score in a couple of days of good level progression.
28 December 2004ejlo2, 3, 1, 3, 10, 1, 5, 7, 8979(15), 574(24), 1002(24), 944(51), 999(28)Leading out with score number ones and a 1000 pointer.
30 December 2004Thozz1, 2, 3, 334, 33, 35, 36944(57), 861(34), 843(30), 809(23)A number one with some good level progression.
31 December 2004eor151001(24)The team takes a 1000 pointer in a day in which 20 levels were passed.
31 December 2004Thozz1421056(75)Ending the year with a huge number one.